Denise Lajimodiere & Nelda Schrupp

Opening Reception Tuesday, September 3, from 5 to 7 pm. View this exhibit September 3-27.

Dr. Denise K. Lajimodiere, North Dakota’s current Poet Laureate, presents her evocative birch bark biting artwork alongside her compelling poetry. Denise is an enrolled Citizen of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, from Belcourt, ND. She has been involved in education for forty-four years as an Elementary teacher, Principal, and professor, earning her Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate degrees from University of North Dakota. She is a poet, children’s book author, and academic book author, as well as a traditional Jingle Dress dancer and Ojibwe Birch Bark Biting artist. 


Nelda Schrupp will be showcasing her intricate metal jewelry and spirit dresses. Nelda grew up on White Bear Indian Reservation, Carlyle, Saskatchewan. She immigrated to the US and lives in Lakota, ND.  Nelda received a BFA Degree, majoring in Art with a concentration in Ceramics and a minor in Jewelry and small Sculpture at UND.  She entered graduate school at UND where she received an MFA in Metalsmithing: Jewelry and Small Sculpture. Nelda says, “Art is very sacred to me, it keeps me close to my culture and to my Creator. In my culture there is no word for “Art” it simply is a way of life…”

Local artist, Anthony Nelson, featured in Member Gallery

Local artist, Anthony Nelson, is a largely self-taught artist based in Bismarck, ND. Inspired by the likes of James McNeill Whistler, John Singer Sargent, Jeremy Mann, and Jenny Saville, Nelson’s representational works often explore a variety of subjects, including landscapes, animals, figures, and portraits.


Known for his ability to create beautiful compositions from seemingly ordinary subjects, Nelson employs a diverse range of mediums to achieve his desired effects. His work often features abstract-inspired techniques and geometric shapes, giving his pieces a contemporary feel.


As a member of the Prairie Plein Air Artists, Nelson values the immediacy and spontaneity of outdoor painting. By focusing on quickly establishing a composition, he is able to capture the essence of a scene without getting bogged down in excessive detail.

Anthony resides in Bismarck with his wife and family.




Upcoming Exhibits

September 3-27: Nelda Schrupp & Denise Lajimodiere. Member Artist – Anthony Nelson.
Opening Reception Tuesday, September 3rd,  from 5 to 7 pm

SPONSORS: Martha Holzer, Carol Retterath

October 8-31: Fall Art Show Autumn Artistry
Opening Reception Tuesday, October 8th, from 5 to 7 pm

SPONSORS: Robert & Susan Wefald

November 5-23: Jessica Wachter. Member Artist – Daniel Schumacher.
Opening Reception Friday, November 8th, from 5 to 7 pm

SPONSORS: Pete & Cathy Silbernagel, Joy Flynn

December 3-20: The Sound of Music Member Artists Show
Opening Reception Tuesday, December 3rd, from 5 to 7 pm

SPONSOR: Kirk and Linda Maize

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