May 6-30, 2025
Registration Deadline is Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Artwork Dropoff Deadline is Thursday, May 1, 2025.
Artists may enter up to 2 pieces in any media that can be applied to a 12” x 12” canvas. Canvases may not be altered in size and/or shape. Artists will receive their canvas from BAGA to ensure consistency of canvases. The show is open to all artists 18 years old or older. All artwork will be priced at $160 by BAGA.
Registration Fee: Registration and Entry forms can be found online at www.bismarck-art.org under the special events tab. Member fees are $25 for 1 entry or $30 for 2 entries. Non-member fees are $30 for 1 and $35 for 2. This fee covers the cost of the canvas & its shipping and program printing. The entry deadline is April 15 2025. This deadline insures inclusion in the show brochure.
Qualifying Artwork: Artwork must be completed on canvases supplied by BAGA to ensure consistency. Canvases are available at BAGA and may be picked up at the gallery office. If entering by mail or online, your canvas will be mailed to you. Accepted media includes Acrylic, Watercolor, Oil or Mixed Media. Canvases that have been changed by altering the shape (one square foot) will not be accepted. Artwork must be done on a square grid and not at an angle. All artwork must be wired for hanging. Artwork with saw tooth hangers will not be hung. All canvases must have painted edges.
Sales: A 30% commission will be retained by BAGA on all sales. Money received from sales of artwork will be issued to the artist after the close of the show. If your artwork is sold, a check will be mailed to you within 30 days of the show closing.
All the works in the Square Foot Show will be at a set price of $160 each with 70% of the sale going to the artist and 30% to BAGA.
Do not Frame Your Canvases!
October 8 Canvases available at BAGA
April 15 Registration Deadline
May 1 Artwork Due 10 am – 5 pm
May 6 Exhibit Opens 10:00 am
May 6 Opening Reception 5:00 – 7:00 pm
May 31 Pick up artwork 10 am – 1 pm
Terms and Conditions:
¨ All artwork must be completed on the 12″ x 12″ canvas provided by BAGA. Canvases will be available for pick up at BAGA following checkout. Canvases can also be mailed upon request for artists outside the region. All artwork must be signed with name printed clearly on the back.
¨ Canvases cannot be altered in size or shape and must be painted on a square grid, not angled. Any artwork that does not meet the dimensional criteria will not be shown. Artwork must be wired for hanging, no saw tooth hangers.
¨ All edges of the canvas must be painted.
¨ All artwork will be for sale at $160 each (taxes not included).
¨ BAGA will take 30% commission from all work sold at the exhibition.
¨ BAGA is not responsible for any loss and/or damage to artwork. (Before and during shipment)
¨ BAGA is not responsible for any courier fees or postage for the return of your artwork, as well as storing artwork after pick-up dates. All artwork left after one week will become the property of BAGA and may be donated.
¨ BAGA may use an image of your artwork to promote the Square Foot Show at its discretion.
¨ Artist may exhibit up to two pieces.
¨ BAGA reserves the right to refuse any artwork deemed inappropriate.
¨ Do not frame your canvases!
Shipping and Pick up: Hand delivered items must be received at Bismarck Art & Galleries Association by April 26 from 10:00-1:00 pm. Mailed items must be sent prepaid to BAGA, 422 E. Front Ave, Bismarck, ND 58504. They must be in a sturdy reusable container with a return label. If not picked up within one week the artwork becomes the property of BAGA.
Insurance: BAGA insures all artwork from the time of delivery until pickup. BAGA is not responsible for damage or loss occurring during transit.